


Try some of these air quality and energy projects with your class to help show students that their actions can make a big difference for the air we breathe.


  • Plan a school-wide bike or walk to school day. Invite Scooter to attend!
  • Hold a fundraiser selling reusable water bottles and shopping bags while educating the community about sustainable products. Check out PepsiCo.’s “What Is the Life Cycle of a Recycled Plastic Bottle?
  • Plant a school garden to teach students about sustainability and growing their own food. Learn how to start your garden with the Seeds to Success Toolkit from the Kids Gardening website.
  • Talk with your school administrators about replacing lights on campus with eco-friendly light bulbs.
  • Create a school-wide “Bring your own lunch day,” to highlight the use of lunchboxes, thermoses and reusable plasticware/utensils!
  • Start an Idle-Free School Zone campaign, encouraging parents to turn off their engines in the drop-off and pick-up lines to help reduce air pollution.





Air Quality Quick Links


  • provides the daily air quality index reading, information of the health effects of air pollution, action tips, free materials, and a promotional toolkit that can be easily shared in school resources (newsletters, etc.), and with local businesses and organizations.
  • features more information about programs developed by the Sac Metro Air District to reduce air pollution and meet state and federal standards.
  • CalEPA Kids includes tools, resources, activities and lessons on the environment.
  • California Air Resources Board is the lead state agency for climate change programs and oversees all air pollution control efforts in California.
  • Center for Climate and Energy Solutions has facts, figures, tips, a glossary and a Climate Change 101 page for kids.
  • National Geographic Kids Page includes games, contests, news stories and activities for kids to help recycle and be environmentally conscious.
  • Wildfire Smoke Information offers a suite of information and resources that educators can use and share during wildfire smoke episodes. This information was created by the Sac Metro Air District, in collaboration with Sacramento County’s public health office and other local emergency services offices, local school districts, and the California Air Resources Board.